How to Conduct a Survey?

A survey is a tool to collect data from people by answering a series of questions.The answers can be used to evaluate peoples’ response to a product, service or experience.


The time required to conduct a survey can range from a few days to several weeks or even months depending on several factors like complexity of survey, target population size, and survey method.




User Researcher, UX Designer, Product Manager


Surveys can be used any time in the product design process. The outcome of a survey is used based on which phase of the design process it is conducted in.

E.g. Screener survey is used for understanding user behavior and preferences before starting design

Product feedback is used after the product is ready or already available for the users. 

Getting Started

UX survey is a method to collect feedback from customers about their experience using a product. The insights gained from surveys help in understanding user behavior and make changes to improve the UX of the product.

Surveys can be conducted in-person or online depending on the intent and target users.

Survey includes 2 types of questions

How to?

Types of Surveys

  1. Qualitative survey: A survey that includes open questions.

  2. Quantitative survey: A survey that includes more closed questions.

  3. Screener: A survey in which an elimination question is asked that helps filter out or eliminate and identify relevant participants for further research.  It is used to understand user behavior and preferences before starting the design.

  4. Customer Satisfaction: This survey helps evaluate customer’s satisfaction with a product. Users of a product are asked for feedback about different aspects of the product. The feedback is expected as a rating or multiple choices.

  5. User Journey Experience: To get pointers from users for the overall user journey of the product.

  6. SUS (System Usability Scale) Survey: This survey measures the usability of a product or service. It consists of a 10-item questionnaire that asks users to rate their level of agreement with various statements.

  7. NPS (Net Promoter Score) Survey: This survey measures customer satisfaction by asking users how likely they are to recommend the product or service to others.

  8. User Needs Survey: This survey helps identify user needs and pain points by asking open-ended questions about user experiences and preferences.

  9. UX Benchmarking Survey: This survey helps measure the effectiveness of design changes over time by collecting feedback on specific design elements.

  10. User Persona Survey: This survey helps create user personas by asking users about their goals, motivations, and behaviors.

  11. Card Sorting Survey: This survey helps with information architecture and navigation design by asking users to group and categorize content or features.

  12. A/B Testing Survey: This survey compares two versions of a product or service to see which one performs better based on user feedback.

Do’s & Don'ts



  1. Have a clear goal for the survey.

  2. Create simple and easy to understand questions.

  3. Use apt question types and give answer choices wherever possible.

  4. Try to have a logical flow of questions.

  5. Make the survey easy to go through.

  6. Break the survey into logical sections.

  7. Include ‘Other’ as answer choice in multiple choice questions.

  8. Test the survey before sending out.

  1. Don’t have biases while creating a survey.

  2. Don’t ask leading questions.

  3. Don’t have too many open questions.

  4. Don’t ask Yes/No questions.

  5. Don’t have answer choices on a scale without defining the scale.

  6. Don’t make the survey too long.

  7. Don’t ask irrelevant questions. 


Suggested Tools 

  • Google Forms

  • SurveyMonkey

  • Typeform

  • Optimal Workshop


Other Related Best Practices

  • Interviews 

  • Basics of User Research