How to conduct stakeholder interviews?

Stakeholder interviews are conducted with people who are invested in the success of a product or project to gather insights to help ensure the project’s success.


Each stakeholder interview takes 30-45 minutes. To complete all the stakeholder interviews, approx. 3-5 days are required.




UX designer, UX writer, Product manager, Project manager, Subject matter experts, Development manager.


Generally, stakeholder interviews are conducted during the early stages of a design project, after the project scope and objectives have been defined, but before any design work has started.

Getting Started

Stakeholder interview is a research technique that involves talking to individuals or groups who have a stake or interest in a particular project, product, or service. The goal of stakeholder interviews is to gather information about the needs, goals, and perspectives of stakeholders in order to better understand their expectations and preferences.

Stakeholder interviews can be conducted in a structured or unstructured format, and can be done in-person, over the phone, or through online communication tools. These types of interviews help you get a better understanding of user needs, business goals, technical limitations, constraints and identify pain points. 

You can interview the stakeholders with the following questions:

Gathering this information from them builds a solid foundation for the product. 

How to?


Do’s & Don'ts




  1. Avoid biases.

  2. Be prepared.

  3. Do a dry run before the actual interview.

  4. Pick the right mix of stakeholders to ensure comprehensive understanding.

  5. Build rapport with the stakeholders.

  6. Ask open-ended questions.

  7. Listen carefully to the stakeholders.

  8. Have an interview guide in place.

  9. Get into details.

  10. Be respectful of the stakeholders’ time and opinions.

  1. Don’t use too formal or technical language.

  2. Don’t interrupt stakeholders during the interview.

  3. Don’t talk more than the stakeholders.

  4. Don’t make suggestions.

  5. Don’t be judgmental. 

  6. Don’t make assumptions about stakeholder’s knowledge and opinions.

  7. Don’t argue with the stakeholders. 

  8. Don’t disclose any confidential information to the stakeholders.




Suggested Tools 


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