How to create a User Journey Map?

User journey map is created to understand what users go through while using a product/service from start to end.


If data is available, it takes 3-4 hours to create a journey map.




When the required information is available: 
UX designer, UX writer, User researcher, Product manager


When required information needs to be put together: 
UX designer, User researcher, Product manager, Developer, and other functional team members based on the information required


Typically, user journey map is created during the design and development phase of a project, after user research and analysis have been completed.

Getting Started

User journey mapping is used for visualizing and understanding a user’s experience as they interact with a product or service.  It involves creating a detailed map of the steps a user takes from the initial awareness of a product or service to the eventual purchase and beyond. User journey maps are used by product designers, marketers, and other stakeholders to gain a better understanding of how users interact with a product or service, and to identify areas where the user experience can be improved. User journey maps are alternately called CustomerJourney maps or experience maps. 

Types of user journey maps

User journey maps can be categorized into several types based on their purpose and scope. Here are some of the most common types of user journey maps:

How to?

Do’s & Don'ts




  1. Pick up a single journey for a single persona at a time.

  2. Have a clear goal in mind for the journey.

  3. Do include steps across different devices and processes, which would appropriately illustrate the journey.

  4. Do involve cross-functional teams, including UX designers, product managers, developers, and stakeholders, to ensure a holistic view of the user journey.

  5. Do gather data from multiple sources to ensure a comprehensive understanding of the user journey.

  6. Do keep the user at the center of the journey map and focus on their needs and goals.

  7. Do use visual elements like icons, colors, and symbols to make the journey map more engaging and easy to understand. 

  8. Do test and iterate the journey map regularly based on feedback and new insights. 

  1. Don’t try to map the whole functionality of a product on a single journey map.

  2. Don't assume that you know the user journey without doing proper research and analysis.

  3. Don't focus solely on the user interface and neglect the context in which the user is using the product or service.

  4. Don't limit yourself to only one perspective, such as the company's point of view or the user's point of view. Consider multiple perspectives to get a more comprehensive understanding of the user journey.

  5. Don't make the journey map too complicated or cluttered. Keep it simple and easy to understand.

  6. Don't treat the journey map as a one-time activity. Continuously update and refine the journey map based on new insights and feedback.




Suggested Tools 

For Brainstorming

For Creating the Presentation



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