How to write User Stories?

User story is a brief description of a feature or functionality from the user's perspective.


3-5 days




Product manager, UX designer, Design manager

Getting Started

User stories are a good way to describe the user’s needs. Typically, they include a brief description of a user’s goal or problem, the context in which the user will interact with the product, and the desired outcome or benefit. 

Format for defining a user story

“As a [user], I want to [goal or action] so that [outcome or reason].”

By creating user stories, product designers can gain insights into the user's motivation, behavior, and pain points, and use this information to inform the design of the product. User stories also help to ensure that the product design process remains user-centered and that the end product meets the needs of its target users.

How to?

Do’s & Don'ts



  1. Keep the user story simple and focused.

  2. Write user stories based on persona.

  3. Be specific.

  4. Create user stories collaboratively with the team.

  5. Be open to feedback and suggestions.

  1. Don’t write long descriptive stories.

  2. Don’t write unclear outcomes in the stories.

  3. Don’t write vague statements.

  4. Don’t make assumptions about users' behaviors and needs while writing the stories.



Suggested Tools 

  • Google Docs 

  • Office365


Mapping User Stories in Agile from NN Group 

User Stories from IxDF

​​User Stories: A Foundation for UI Design from UXBooth

How to write meaningful user stories from UX Collective

17 User story examples for when the ink runs dry from JustInMind 

It’s All About UX Through User Story Mapping from Stories Onboard

Other Related Best Practices

  • Basics of User Research

  • How to Conduct a Prioritization Workshop 

  • How to go about Wireframing