How To Convince Stakeholders To Invest In A DesignOps Tool

How to convince stakeholders to Invest in a DesignOps Tool

A DesignOps tool goes a long way in getting synchronicity between the design team and other stakeholders. However, not everyone sees the value of investing in a DesignOps platform right from the start. 

They will need to be convinced about how this investment is not going to add value only to the design team, but to the entire organization as a whole. Here’s a quick read about how you could convince stakeholders to invest in a DesignOps tool.

Why is there a need to invest in a DesignOps tool?

We all know that design has become a focal point of the product development process. In fact, a lot of companies now revolve their technology around product design instead of the other way around (think smartphones, for example). 

Let’s begin by understanding why investing in DesignOps is much needed in today’s fast-paced tech environment from three different perspectives.

1. People management

2. Process management

3. Value addition

1. People management

With the increase in demand for design as a function, organizations will need to scale up their design teams. DesignOps makes it easier to onboard new designers, and to train them on industry standard tools.

This is done by building a common knowledge bank and process templates that can be recalled whenever new designers join the team.

DesignOps also makes it easier for organizations to upskill their designers and keep themselves on the cutting edge of design technology. This will help your team grow to the next level of design maturity.

Another important aspect of people management that DesignOps addresses effectively is communication. A commonly faced issue is the lack of clear communication between project managers, engineers, and design teams. 

Often, this issue extends to within the design team itself, largely because of remote working and global teams. DesignOps allows for better process visibility and more effective communication between teams.


2. Process management

A DesignOps platform makes it possible to standardize tools and processes across the board. This ensures the entire design team follows the same protocols and uses the same tools, standardizing the quality of the design output as well. 

This is another step towards growing in design maturity and streamlining the design process, ensuring quicker turnaround times.

DesignOps also allows for better resource management and budgeting, making it easier to set efficient processes in place. 


3. Value addition

By streamlining processes, enabling communication, and making resource management more efficient, DesignOps puts design front and center in the product delivery lifecycle. 

With better design maturity, organizations can offer better customer experiences, and design thinking and enable digital transformations.

How to convince stakeholders to invest in DesignOps

The easiest way to convince stakeholders to invest in DesignOps is to show them how the investment will impact their roles and functions. Here are the stakeholders that will need to be addressed.

1. Designers

2. Design managers

3. DesignOps managers

4. Design leaders

5. Product leaders

6. Business leaders

Let’s now look at how you can convince them to invest in DesignOps. Simply put, let’s look at the positive impact of DesignOps on these stakeholders.

1. Designers

Your design team may not always be in the same geographic location or time zone. This makes it important to rely on a platform that allows for seamless asynchronous collaborations.

DesignOps makes it possible for teams to collaborate without having to rely on each other all the time since it gives clarity about the progress being made in the design process.

This will allow your design team to spend their time being more productive as opposed to wasting time being unsure if their collaborators are in sync with them. This will lead to the design quality being greatly enhanced and will bolster the team’s confidence levels as well. 


2. Design managers

DesignOps gives design managers a bird’s eye view of resource allocation as well as progress. This allows them to address loopholes, improving team productivity and accountability.

As a result, design managers will be able to drive their teams to improve the quality of the output of their design projects, and make their teams have faster turnaround times.


3. DesignOps managers

The DesignOps manager is the bridge between the design team and the operations team. DesingOps platforms will allow the manager to build a knowledge base that can be referred to and standardize processes based on 

The platform will also give the DesignOps manager detailed analytics and efficiency reports, all of which will help streamline the way the design team operates.


4. Design leaders

It’s the responsibility of design leaders to ensure that the design output is on par with customer expectations. DesignOps gives design leaders measurable metrics that they can use to scale design operations.

By improving the overall health of the design team, DesignOps can help leaders scale design productivity by almost 40%.


5. Product leaders

DesignOps helps improve communication between the design team and other stakeholders, such as the engineering team, marketing team, and operations team. This improved communication will give product leaders insights into the design process to help mitigate the risk of the design vision being misaligned with the overall business objective.


6. Business leaders

DesignOps improves design maturity in leaps and bounds, giving business leaders boasting rights about the competitive edge superior design quality is sure to give your product.


Get all your stakeholders on board with Cubyts

When you choose Cubyts as your DesignOps platform, we’ll help you build a knowledge repository that can standardize design processes and help your team recall best practices whenever needed. 

You will be able to launch new design projects in minutes and use metrics to streamline the process to make the end result more impactful. You will be able to upskill and scale up your design team easily while having more control over their utilization and productivity.

Sign up for our free trial, and show your shareholders why you need to get on board with Cubyts today!