Cubyts – The Only, All-in-one DesignOps Software


DesingOps is the orchestration of design processes, people, and technologies to improve a product’s design and commercial value in the market. 

Among other things, DesignOps are the operational tasks that tackle problems such as

  • Expanding and growing design teams,
  • Hiring individuals with the appropriate talents, 
  • Establishing effective workflows, 
  • Enhancing the effectiveness of design outputs.

While DesignOps is still a relatively new field, it’s good to see that more and more organizations are recognizing the value and impact of DesignOps in product development and design. But with more recognition of this operational task, comes the need for dedicated software and tools that DesignOps teams can use for their management.

Unfortunately, there is a problem with how we do things today.

The issue with current ‘DesignOps’ tools

A recent study by Forrester puts the 2022 market of the Design industry at USD 162B and forecasts the growth at 20% CAGR. 

With a such massive growth in the industry, what seems to be the issue with the tools and software we use for DesignOps?

Well, businesses today use DevOps tools to handle their design processes, and with that comes a dangerously diminished design impact. That has to do with the fact that the processes undertaken by design and development are very different.

The issue here is the sheer lack of DesignOps-specific tools available in the market. We need to consider design as a separate practice and use software that is dedicated to the process of DesignOps.

What makes DesignOps software great?

A great DesignOps software is one that includes the capabilities of every task that DesignOps handles, such as product management, planning, communication, user research, design, asset management, etc.

Ideally, it should make it easier for you to:

  • Create design roadmaps in a jiffy,

  • Provide organizational visibility of tasks and processes,

  • Quantify design metrics and track them to effectively measure design RoI,

  • Create your own design processes while providing ample templates for you to start with,

  • Create a knowledge library and asset repository that the entire organization can use,

  • Integrate with other platforms, tools, and software.

With that said, is there software on the market that can provide you with all of the above? Fortunately, yes there is.

Cubyts - A dedicated DesignOps software

For design specialists and leaders to streamline the design workflow, build design processes, manage design projects, and measure metrics, Cubyts has created an all-in-one DesignOps Platform. 

Here’s how it simplifies the necessary tasks that DesignOps teams have to undertake.

Provide organizational transparency

When it comes to design, it’s never just the design team working on the project. It is almost always a collaborative approach involving teams from other disciplines coming together to create a product that works.

In that sense, it helps if all your design workflows, processes, drafts, and any other information that multiple teams need are in one place.

Cubyts keeps all of your projects and tasks in one place, making it easier for managers to keep a track of what their teams are doing and making it convenient for other teams to be on the same page.

Since all tasks are tracked in real-time, there is no communication or process gap between multi-disciplinary teams, enabling them to collaborate and work in tandem with each other.

Easily create roadmaps

design roadmap is a strategic decision-making blueprint that illustrates and describes the creative process of a design team with the aim of demonstrating the “why” behind your intended objectives and results.

It is one of the first and most important tasks that design teams undertake to understand the direction they need to take for a successful project.

With Cubyts, you can easily build a roadmap from scratch, document your design journey in real-time, improve cross-functional communication and collaboration techniques, and develop a productive design team.

Your company’s preferred design approach can be transformed into a clear, time-bound design roadmap with precise design objectives for efficient execution.

Quantify metrics and measure design RoI

Most businesses thrive on numbers, but that’s not so straightforward with design because it is primarily an experience-based outcome. 

Businesses can look at their products objectively and impartially from the perspective of their customers by understanding and choosing the appropriate design metrics to use. They can find and fix previously hidden or neglected customer pain spots, confusing features, problematic traits, and other areas for improvement by using design KPIs.

When you have these metrics, you can use them to measure your design RoI to identify its impact on revenue, market share, and shareholder value.

At Cubyts, guiding you to the right design KPIs for your products is our utmost priority. Our DesignOps platform can help you measure your product design impact and performance through our trackable design metrics. 

To start you off, we have a set of metrics you can track that adheres to Google’s HEART Framework which lets you measure adoption numbers, engagement, satisfaction, and retention rates, to name a few. 

However, you can also add your own metrics that you and your team have decided on and input them into the platform so you can track them effortlessly. 

You can then bring all these metrics reports under one roof which will enable you and other stakeholders to have a clearer picture of how design has impacted your business. 

Ready-to-use design process templates

Design processes can assist you in breaking down complex projects into more manageable stages. It is a systematic strategy that guides creative teams toward a clear, valuable goal within their design projects.

Because design processes are flexible and not formulaic, they can be changed as and when a company sees fit. With that said, there are a few design processes that are common among design teams, and Cubyts provides you with templates for each of those to help you get started.

We offer templates for commonly used design processes such as design thinking, design sprints, double-diamond design, user-centered design, agile UX, and lean UX.

The best part is you are not bound to follow any single one, because Cubyts allows you to create your own design process, something that works specifically for you, your team, and the projects you handle.

Offers a knowledge library and asset repository

A design repository is a hub for the storage and organization of all project files and documents. It can be used to manage any project regardless of size, from personal initiatives to huge business projects.

It is essentially a library that anyone in your organization can use to save time by avoiding repetitive tasks or projects because it holds all the design assets and artifacts that your team needs for any project. 

It is also used for swift onboarding processes with new recruits because all pre-defined processes and best practices are there for use.

With Cubyts, you have a dedicated repository tab that allows you to add essential documents and assets for all to use. It also comes with an in-built knowledge library that includes important notes on best practices, design activities, project types, and design metrics so you can get started right off the bat. 

And yes, you can make your own additions to this knowledge library as well!

Will soon provide multi-platform integration

There are a host of tools that designers use for various different tasks, and we understand the need for multi-platform integration. 

As of right now, Cubyts integrates with Google Drive and Slack, but there’s more in the pipeline planned for the near future to enhance project management, communication, and collaboration.


Get started with Cubyts now!

Cubyts is a one-for-all software for managing design processes, providing a centralized platform for all your design needs, from project management to collaboration and communication. It’s easy to use and has a wide range of features that will help you get the most out of your design team.

Cubyts aims to revolutionize how design teams apply processes and best practices for healthy team collaboration and streamlined design delivery, and we believe we’re on the right track. We can’t wait to see how you use it to improve your design workflow!

Contact us to learn more about how Cubyts can help you, or request a demo to get started.