💥 CIOs report tech debt as high as 40% of their tech estate's value - that's hundreds of millions of dollars at stake. Mckinsey

Frequently Asked Questions

01. What is Cubyts?

Cubyts is a product observability platform that serves as an integral partner in your product development process. It is designed to enhance the performance of your feature execution teams (SCRUM), feature planning groups (SCRUM of SCRUM), and leadership teams. 

Cubyts integrates seamlessly with your existing product stack, delivers real-time data insights, and tackles challenges throughout the product lifecycle.

One of the key returns on investment (ROI) with Cubyts is straightforward: it saves a sprint for every feature team, streamlining your development process and enhancing efficiency.


02. How does Cubyts work?

Simply put, Cubyts integrates with your product stack and provides actionable insights that act as an aid for your product teams.


03. What tools are supported by Cubyts?

Cubyts is engineered to effortlessly integrate with a diverse array of product development tools and systems. Cubyts currently supports integration with the following popular tools:

    • Design: Figma.

    • Project Management: Jira. 

    • Code repository: GitLab, GitHub, BitBucket.

    • CI/CD: Jenkins.

    • Support: Jira Service Management, Freshdesk.

    • Analytics: Amplitude, Mixpanel.

We are continually expanding our integration capabilities, enhancing Cubyts to provide you with seamless and immediate benefits.


04. How does Cubyts integrate with my product stack?

Cubyts integrates with your existing tools through a straightforward and secure method using Personal Access Tokens (PATs). These tokens are associated with a user account and carry permissions tailored to the needs of your project, ensuring secure and specific data access.

Integration Process:

    1. Token Configuration: Administrators configure PATs which are necessary to interface with your tools. Each tool provides a method to generate these tokens, ensuring security and appropriate access.

    2. API Utilization: Cubyts uses these configured PATs to interact with APIs offered by your tools. This process includes:

      • Data Extraction: Pulls relevant data from the tools as permitted by the scope of the PATs.

      • Data Categorization: Organizes the data by understanding and applying semantics.

      • Data Linkage: Connects data from various sources into a coherent set.

    3. Data Lake Creation and Insight Generation:

      • Cubyts compiles the extracted and categorized data into a comprehensive data lake.

      • It then analyzes this data to unearth insights, which are presented to end-users along with clear resolution paths suggested by a 'next best action' framework.

Cubyts is designed to operate without disrupting your current tool configurations or workflows, seamlessly enhancing functionality without interference.


05. Who is the user of Cubyts in my team?

Cubyts is designed for three key user groups within your organization, each benefiting uniquely:

    1. The Feature Execution (SCRUM) Team:

      • SCRUM teams use Cubyts to identify and resolve gaps early in the development process, preventing potential issues from escalating. Cubyts can integrate into daily SCRUM rituals, enhancing the team’s ability to execute seamlessly.

    2. The Feature Planning (SCRUM of SCRUM) Team:

      • SCRUM of SCRUM teams benefit from Cubyts’ ability to track and trace feature development comprehensively. This visibility supports risk analysis for current builds and strategic planning for future features, making it a valuable tool for regular SCRUM of SCRUM meetings.

    3. The Leadership Team:

      • Leadership gains access to aggregated data and insights through Cubyts, which can be used to refine operational strategies, improve feature delivery, and enhance customer engagement. This information helps in making informed decisions that drive business success.

In summary, Cubyts integrates into various team rituals and processes, providing tailored benefits that enhance performance and decision-making across your organization.


06. Why do I need Cubyts when I already have a product stack?

Product development teams invest significant time in various stages such as vision setting, roadmap creation, planning, execution, delivery, and quality control. This process involves multiple data sources and tools, which can lead to several challenges:

    • Hidden challenges that surface too late in the execution cycle.

    • Increased costs due to sprint overruns.

    • Additional costs from late discoveries of incorrect builds.

    • Higher planning costs due to a lack of awareness of feature patterns and contexts.

You need Cubyts because it helps you:

    • Gather unified insights from your product stack, enhancing decision-making.

    • Use historical benchmarks to inform future planning. 

    • Maintain continuous alignment between definition and build teams, reducing miscommunications and errors.

    • Contextualize DORA metrics to improve deployment strategies.

    • Leverage the impact of current work to strategically plan future initiatives.

In essence, Cubyts acts as a strategic overlay for your product stack, optimizing and amplifying the capabilities of your existing tools, ensuring your team works smarter, not harder.


07. What kind of insights does Cubyts provide?

Cubyts provides comprehensive insights across all stages of product development, enhancing decision-making and efficiency:

    1. Feedback Insights:

      • Tracks unaddressed feedback and aging issues to prevent them from slipping through the cracks.

    2. Define | Build | Deploy Insights:

      • Improves backlog, requirements, and effort management.

      • Identifies untracked designs and enhances design and development review processes.

    3. Deploy | Measure Insights:

      • Monitors progress delays and conducts impact assessments to keep deployments on track.

Each insight comes with actionable recommendations, empowering users to address any discrepancies in the product development process effectively. For a detailed list of available insights, please write to us.


08. How does Cubyts help in reducing sprint overruns?

By providing real-time visibility into each phase of the product development cycle, Cubyts enables teams to identify issues early before they lead to sprint overruns. This proactive approach helps in adjusting timelines, reallocating resources, and refining strategies promptly to keep projects on track.


09. Can Cubyts help with remote or distributed teams?

Absolutely! Cubyts is designed to support teams regardless of their location. Its cloud-based infrastructure ensures that all team members have access to consistent, up-to-date information, facilitating better collaboration and decision-making across different geographies.


10. Does Cubyts support flexible deployment options?

Cubyts offers flexible cloud deployment options to meet diverse organizational needs:

    1. SaaS (Software as a Service):

        • Cubyts is inherently a SaaS product, available in a classic multi-tenant model. It complies with SOC 2 standards and aligns with GDPR requirements, ensuring robust security and data privacy.

    2. OaaS (Outcome as a Service):

      1. Hybrid (Partially hosted):

        • This model enhances outcome efficacy by utilizing the customer's data sets. In the hybrid approach, the data and intelligence layer is hosted in a single-tenant environment specifically dedicated to the customer, combining local and cloud-based elements.

      2. Entirely Hosted:

        • For maximum control and customization, customers can opt for an entirely hosted deployment where all Cubyts architectural components are maintained in dedicated instances. This full single-tenant setup is managed by Cubyts, though the customer retains complete access and control over their environment.

These deployment models are designed to cater to varying requirements, ensuring that Cubyts can effectively integrate into any IT infrastructure.


11. How long does it take to deploy Cubyts?

Deploying Cubyts can be completed swiftly, providing near-instant gratification. Here's a typical installation timeline:

    1. Step 1: Identify Personal Access Tokens (PATs)

      • Configure PATs for all supported tools used by the customer.

    2. Step 2: Connect and Integrate

      • Establish connections with these tools for data integration, classification, and linking.

    3. Step 3: Activate Features

      • Begin using Cubyts' features to enhance your product development processes.

Assuming seamless integrations, customers can typically start using the platform by the end of the first day or the beginning of the second day.

What Might Extend the Deployment Timeframe?

    1. Customization Needs:

      • Some tools may require custom configurations. While Cubyts supports most settings, exceptional cases might necessitate platform adjustments.

    2. Additional Tool Integration:

      • If a customer uses a critical tool not yet supported by Cubyts, we recommend proceeding with available tools while we work on integrating the new one.

    3. Data Localization in Hybrid/Hosted Models:

      • Adapting Cubyts' data intelligence to a customer’s specific dataset in Hybrid and Entirely Hosted models may require additional time.


12. What are the cost implications of implementing Cubyts?

While there is an upfront investment required for implementing Cubyts, the tool is designed to pay for itself by significantly reducing costs associated with delayed project timelines, resource mismanagement, and inefficient processes. The exact cost and savings will depend on the size and specific needs of your organization.


13. Is training provided for Cubyts?

Whilst Cubyts is built to keep seamless adoption in mind, we do offer comprehensive sessions as part of the implementation process. These are tailored to ensure that all users are comfortable with the interface and features of Cubyts, maximizing the tool’s effectiveness for your team.


14. How secure is Cubyts?

Security is paramount at Cubyts. We implement stringent encryption techniques and adhere to comprehensive compliance protocols to secure all data within the system from unauthorized access. Additionally, Cubyts is certified as SOC2 Type II compliant, further ensuring the integrity and protection of your data.


15. Is my IP secured?

Absolutely, your intellectual property is secure with Cubyts. We prioritize privacy and security and have taken all measures to handle your sensitive data. Our platform is designed to gather only the necessary metrics and performance data through APIs, without intruding into your proprietary information. This ensures that all your intellectual property remains within your control and is fully protected while using Cubyts.


16. What kind of support does Cubyts offer?

Cubyts offers customer support to address any technical issues or questions you may have. Support is available via email, and a dedicated client portal to ensure you always have help when you need it.


17. How do I get started with Cubyts?

Getting started with Cubyts is straightforward. You can request early access by visiting our website and filling out a form. Our team will then get in touch to discuss your specific needs and guide you through the setup and integration process.

You may alternatively reach out to info@cubyts.com.