Onboarding Your Team To Cubyts

Discover how to effectively incorporate Cubyts to leverage your team's unique strengths and style, paving the way for success.

Onboarding Design Team

Adopting a new tool requires considerable effort from all stakeholders. However, many product-led growth SaaS products have ensured – smooth onboarding workflows, demo content that they can play with, or migrating content from other tools. 

To set your large team up for success on Cubyts, do a bit of pre-work to make the rollout smooth — think about your use cases, know your toolstack, and give your team the basics.

At Cubyts, we have provided multiple ways to make onboarding seamless. In this blog post, we’ll show you how to pre-ready your team to adopt Cubyts in your team style and make the most out of it –

1. Define how you want to use Cubyts

2. Know where Cubyts fits in your organization

3. Teach people the basics to set them up for success

  1. Define how you want to use Cubyts

Because Cubyts is so versatile, it’s important to familiarize yourself with the tool and define how you want to use it — and align on what you want to accomplish with Cubyts.

  • Define your goal of using Cubyts: whether Cubyts is new to your org or you’re looking to expand, it’s important to understand why you’re using the tool. Maybe there are no set defined standards in your design team, so you’re bringing on Cubyts to create design standards and best practices, or maybe to break team silos, you want to collaborate better through Cubyts. This sets you up for the next point.

  • Discuss what you want to build with it: after goal-setting, think about the system that will help you accomplish those goals. This doesn’t have to be specific to Cubyt’s features yet. It can simply be something like, “creating a design process that is visible to all the stakeholders.” Knowing what you want will help you better get there.

  • Think about how your teammates will use it: Cubyts gets more powerful through collaboration. Understanding how different teams/individuals will plug in gives you a better idea of what to build and what you can accomplish. Will it be just your team using Cubyts? How many people? Will it be a cross-functional hub?

Want some inspiration? Here’s an example of a sample workspace

2. Know where Cubyts fits in your organization
Your company is likely using many different tools to get work done. Knowing what tools you have, what they do, and which teams use them can help you understand where Cubyts will fit in.

As you’re considering your tech stack and Cubyt’s place in it, here are a few things to think about.

Cubyts works as a central hub for your tool ecosystem

In order to ensure visibility and collaboration, you need a central dashboard that coordinates with various tools. Use it to organize your company knowledge, connect content with context, and provide a dedicated space for the design team to think, plan, and create while staying connected.

Cubyts can be the connective tissue between disparate tools

Cubyt’s API and embeds allow you to bring information that lives in different tools together in Cubyts. This helps teams collaborate because they all come to one place for information about a project, instead of needing to grant access or learn how to navigate many tools.

3. Know the basics to set them up for success
There’s a lot you can do in Cubyts, but you can also unlock a ton of functionality with just a few basics. By giving your teams hands-on Cubyts, you’ll be able to help them understand how to get the most out of the tool.

  • Take a Guided Tour – This will give you a chance to explore the platform and see how it can help you manage your projects. This way, you can make sure that Cubyts is the right tool for your team.

  • Remind teammates that there’s no correct way to do things. The best way to use Cubyts is to explore the power of its flexibility and experiment with what’s possible.

  • Go step-by-step through a common use case. Here’s all our design processes and best practices. Pick one, and show them how you might create a customized design process through a Kanban board.

  • Support Desk: In addition, Cubyts’ support team is available on chat/email to help your team whenever required.

Refer to the help information: https://cubyts.freshdesk.com/support/home.

Use any of the above channels to get most of the Cubyts Platform! In any case, we are only an email away! Write to us at support@cubyts.com and we will be happy to help in managing & scaling the design function in your organization.