Orchestrate DesignOps with Cubyts


Creative problem solver Kevin Hoffman defines DesignOps as “Everything designers need to do that aren’t designing.”

In a more detailed sense, DesignOps refers to the progress of the product’s design and commercial value through the optimization of design processes, people, and technologies. 

Among other things, it is a method of tackling problems such as expanding and growing design teams, hiring individuals with the appropriate talents, establishing effective workflows, and enhancing the effectiveness of design outputs.


How does DesignOps help companies?


DesignOps helps companies scale and grow by:

Setting up processes and frameworks

DesignOps is about designing processes and defining frameworks, identifying the critical gaps and weaknesses of existing processes, and building a process that can optimize designers’ day-to-day workflow, maximizing engagement and reducing duplicated efforts.


Enabling team coordination

DesignOps is the glue that holds the organization together, and the bridge that enables collaboration among cross-disciplinary team members. Tools can certainly help, but good communication, feedback loops, and strong leadership are the foundation on which efficient teams are built. 


Empowering teams with the right tools and data

DesignOps recognizes the need for harmony between processes, toolsets, and the people who use them. DesignOps empowers the team with the right set of tools needed to work efficiently.  They standardize the tooling and systems used, as well as introduce new tools and make sure designers adopt them.


Giving access to organizational knowledge

DesignOps gives access to saved and stored artifacts and libraries which build the standard design processes, templates, and frameworks. This standardization of processes helps the organization to scale the design function efficiently and effectively.


Is it time for a DesignOps Platform?

Consider this: Forrester’s report puts the 2022 market of the Design industry at USD 162B and forecasts the growth at 20% CAGR. 

According to StatistaCharts, the Software market was at USD 169B in 2007, at a time when the DevOps movement addressed the fatal level of dysfunction in the industry.

Are we really ready for the exponential growth of the Design market? What are the challenges that might plague this growth?

We spoke with hundreds of design leaders, managers, and professionals and read through volumes of blogs written by concerned design practitioners. The underlying challenge we unearthed was very evident.

There is a common gap between the three pillars of design: Strategy, Execution, and Measurement.

None of our interviewees denied the importance and power of these connected pillars, but the tools they used were not built to enable those connections. In recent years we have seen the DesignOps movement picking up to address this missing link.

But there are two problems with our current approach.

  • One, most digital enterprises are scaling their design function using their gut. Time and again, they have either been proven right or irreversibly wrong, and we can’t afford to have such uncertainty in our growth.
  • Two, businesses are using DevOps tools for DesignOps, leading to the diminished impact of design.

To address this, Cubyts has built an Intelligent platform dedicated to DesignOps for design teams. Among the numerous features, it helps:

  • Design leaders create roadmaps, 
  • Includes important design process templates that are ready to use,
  • Has a common knowledge repository that everyone in the team can make use of, and
  • Integrates with various design, collaboration, and DevOps tools for zero-barrier adoption. 

In August 2022, Cubyts became Generally Available. Three months on, we have 300+ early users across 12 countries, with some encouraging inputs and feedback.

Our early adopters love the “process <> execution <> track” flow. Currently, you can use Cubyts to

  • Set your business visions and goals
  • Create & manage your design processes
  • Plan efforts and execute design projects 
  • Build & retain design knowledge
  • Define and track your design metrics
  • Keep an eye on team allocation and utilization

Very soon, you will be able to:

  • Manage your team’s design competencies, gaps, and potential resolutions
  • Integrate with analytics tools to track metrics 
  • Participate in the DesignOps marketplace
  • Manage Design Docs in DesignGit, aka CubytsGit

You can orchestrate DesignOps your way, really quickly, with Cubyts. 

Here are a few key value scenarios:

1. Transition your organization’s favorite design process to a well-defined, time-bound design roadmap with specific design goals for streamlined execution.

2. Build your best practices and design repository across tools and file types

3. Update your work from the place of your comfort, a.k.a Figma/Slack

4. Collaborate with Product Management and Dev by leveraging Cubyts – JIRA integration

Let Cubyts amplify the impact of your design function

Cubyts’ DesignOps Platform is designed for design experts and leaders to eliminate inefficiencies in the design workflow, establish design processes, run design projects, and track metrics. In other words, it is your all-around DesignOps platform.

Want to experience what you can achieve with DesignOps? Head over to our platform and sign up for a free trial with Cubyts.