Soundbites from DesignOps


At Cubyts, when we started our journey of codifying DesignOps, we had our own hypothesis.

We hypothesized that the design process is sacrosanct to a great design function, and it will tie an entire design function to the core of a DesignOps practice.

Here is a story of how our hypotheses were calibrated and refined in our journey to stay close to the needs of the DesignOps players.

Over the last year or so, our candid conversations with Designers, Design Managers, DesignOps managers, and product owners revealed something very interesting,

Here are some quotes that changed our perspective. 


“I just want to know what needs to be designed”

“Want to know if my design is appreciated”

“Give me feedback in one place”

“I would like to know what the usability testing team is doing with my design”

“I want to know how my design is fairing with my target users”

“Am I making any impact on companies’ topline or bottom line?”

Design Managers

“I spend a lot of time firefighting around delivery schedule and designer availability”

“At the end of the year, I am asked to show impact metrics! Honestly we never even discussed than ever” 

“I have to keep checking with designers to see if the deliverables are on track”

DesignOps Managers

“I decide on which team will work on which project“

“I budget the effort of projects”

“There are too many tools for designers. I have taken a call on a few so that the whole team can use them” 

“We have a dedicated space in the cloud drive to store all design files and access on demand. It helps”

“I don’t get into how design is done”

“I don’t have ready access to data to communicate the impact of the design function to executive management”

Product Owners

“My requirements are final. Any gap in delivered design and my requirements sets back my product schedule”

“The designer’s world is a black box to me. It helps when I have visibility into the design progress”

Our inferences:

Designers focus on Design Goals. 

“What should I accomplish, and how do I inform the progress?”

Design Managers focus on Design Processes and Design roadmap. 

“ How and When should my team achieve all the goals?” 

DesignOps Managers focus on overall Team Health & Impact

“What will bring clarity and confidence?” 

Product Owners focus on alignment between cross-functional teams

“How to ensure zero coordination gap among design, product management, and dev?”

With all these insights, we at Cubyts have been hard at work to support all players of DesignOps, one player at a time.

With Cubyts you can:

  • Transition your organization’s favorite design process to a well-defined, time-bound design roadmap with specific design goals for streamlined execution

  • Build your best practices and design a repository across tools and files types

  • Update your work from the place of your comfort, a.k.a Figma/Slack

  • Collaborate with Product Management and Dev by leveraging Cubyts – JIRA integration

Let Cubyts amplify the impact of “Your” design function.

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