3 Steps To Get The Most Out Of Cubyts As A Young Start-Up

3 steps to get the most out of Cubyts as a young start-up

In today’s world, form and function go hand in hand. Simply put, people are less inclined to use a product if it doesn’t look and feel great, even if it works well. This has brought the design to the forefront of the product development cycle.

As a result, young start-ups need design teams that are capable of hitting the ground running, ensuring high-quality design output with consistent branding and UX, and capable of standing on their own in a highly competitive environment. 

The most efficient way to reach that level of design maturity early on is to begin the journey with a great DesignOps platform on board, such as Cubyts. 

Here’s a quick look at how Cubyts can enable young start-ups to get the most out of DesignOps.

What does Cubyts bring to startups?

Let’s begin by listing out five things that Cubyts bring to the table as a DesignOps tool that every scaling start-up must have.

  • 1. Efficacy
  • 2. Speed
  • 3. Consistency
  • 4. Impact
  • 5. Risk mitigation

To help get a better understanding of what Cubyts has that’s essential for every start-up to have, 

Let’s break down each of the five points above. 


1. Efficacy

Design is now as much of a business impact feature as engineering is. This means design as a function has to be treated as such, with special attention being paid to ensuring consistent quality and minimal or no process deviations.

Cubyts enables this by making it easy to set milestones and track project progress, ensuring they are seamlessly aligned with business goals. 


2. Speed

Cubyts allows teams to collate and integrate multiple design workflows to create a single, unfractured workflow.

The platform also makes it easy to optimize these workflows, ensuring that project turnover times are greatly reduced without quality having to suffer. 


3. Consistency

With Cubyts, your design team can build a repository with a knowledge bank, process SOPs, workflows, and anything they may need to ensure design consistency across all projects.


4. Impact

Cubyts gives transparency and progress visibility not just to the design team, but to all other internal stakeholders as well. This makes it easy for collaborations, and for stakeholders to be aware of the impact of design as a function.


5. Risk mitigation

By enabling various positive factors, such as the standardization of design tools, of design processes, having a single knowledge bank on all things design to refer back to, streamlining workflows, and a lot more, Cubyts helps start-ups deliver consistent quality right from the get-go.

By consistently delivering high-quality design output, the risk of losing business due to poor quality is greatly reduced. 


How to get the most out of Cubyts as a start-up

Now that we know how Cubyts can help start-ups, let’s list out the three ways start-ups can get the most out of Cubyts.


Let’s now give you more of an insight into how your start-up can leverage Cubyts.


1. Build a design-led culture from day 1

A lot of the world’s biggest companies realize that using design as a key influencer in product development and making it one of the key factors in business decisions ensures better user experiences. Also, a well-designed product definitely sells better.

This is because they use design to predict and solve customer problems, ensuring the customer gets a product that looks great, feels awesome to use, and functions efficiently. Examples of companies that are design-led include Apple and Google.

Cubyts can help start-ups build a design-led work culture from day1. Doing so will help these organizations build products that resonate with their customers’ needs as well as enable them to scale up faster. 


2. Democratize design

The influence of the design team’s work affects other teams in the organization as well, such as engineering, marketing, and operations. This is because each of these functions is interdependent on the other. 

This means that all of these teams need to collaborate with each other, and therefore, ought to be on onboard with the design team’s direction and goals.

Cubyts helps startups ensure all stakeholders have constant visibility of what the design team is doing. The platform also makes communication and collaborations between teams seamless, truly democratizing design as a function.


3. Create the right perception of design

Design is an integral part of product development, and shares an interdependence with engineering, development, and other teams in the organization. Cubyts helps create the right perception of design as a key function by tying every aspect of the design process to business vision and goals.

The result of doing this is that the impact of design on product development becomes a measurable variable. 


Sign up with Cubyts to start and scale up your business

Now that you know how Cubyts can help your business and how your startup can leverage Cubyts, it’s time for you to start your free trial. Sign up with Cubyts today, and leverage the best of DesignOps to scale your business at an unprecedented pace.