5 Steps To Get Started With Cubyts As A Product Squad

Getting started with Cubyts as Product Squad

Design has changed from being a support function to being an integral part of the product development lifecycle. To help design teams work efficiently with product development teams and operations, it is essential to bring an efficient and powerful DesignOps platform on board. 

In this short read, we’re going to discuss why product teams need a DesignOps platform. We’ll also take a look at how easily your product squad can get started with Cubyts as a DesignOps platform in 5 easy steps.

Why do product teams need a DesignOps platform?

DesignOps platforms are meant to integrate design with the other moving parts of product development and create a more cohesive and streamlined environment.  

Here are some of the most obvious ways design teams benefit from DesignOps.

1. Better communications

DesignOps platforms enable efficient conversations between design teams, engineering teams, and operations.


2. Reduced wait times

When a DesignOps platform is deployed, all stakeholders have clarity and visibility as to the progress each of them is making. This greatly reduces uncertainty and the time spent waiting for design teams to finish their bit so product teams can take over and vice versa.


3. Better resource allocation

The clarity that DesignOps brings about also makes it easier for every team involved to allocate the optimum number of resources at every step of the product development cycle to ensure faster turnaround times and more streamlined processes.


How to get your product team started with Cubyts

If you’re worried that getting your product team to get started with a DesignOps platform is going to be a difficult process, we’ve got you covered. We at Cubyts can help your product team get started with our DesignOps platform in 5 easy steps.

Here’s a quick overview of those 5 steps.

1. Establish a design process for sprints

2. Invite stakeholders as observers

3. Collaborate with stakeholders on design expectations

4. Push all completed projects to Jira

5. Align stakeholders with the design roadmap

Let’s now break these 5 steps down into more detailed descriptions.


1. Establish a design process for sprints

When you define the design process, the quality and speed of the design process are greatly improved. This is because a well-defined design process makes collaborations between teams a lot easier.

When your team comes on board with Cubyts, we give you the option of either defining your own design process from scratch or using one of the design process templates already on our platform. In fact, we have a template made suited for design sprints.


2. Invite stakeholders as observers

A major advantage of using a DesignOps platform like Cubyts is that all stakeholders have visibility as to what progress the project has been making, especially from a design perspective. 

In this case, major stakeholders other than the design team are the engineering team, operations team, and marketing team. Once your design process has been defined, you can invite all these stakeholders access to observe the progress in the design process. 

When you give them this access, it becomes easier for them to plan other stages of product development based on the progress made by the design team. 


3. Collaborate with stakeholders on design expectations

Next up, utilize the improved communication and collaboration capabilities that the Cubyts platform gives your product squad to collaborate with all stakeholders to set the design expectations.

When all the stakeholders are on the same page about the design expectations, it becomes easier for the design team to work towards making that vision a reality.

Creating a detailed design brief based on these expectations and getting all stakeholders to sign off on it greatly reduces reworks and repetitions. In fact, this ought to be an integral part of planning every design sprint. 


4. Push all completed projects to Jira

Once the design process is completed, leverage Cubyts’ new integration and push all completed projects to Jira. 

When this is done, the product team gets a deeper understanding of the design process followed. It also becomes easier to spot anomalies in the design process and address these issues instead of having to wait until the end of the process. The Jira integration also brings the design team to other people in the Scrum team.


5. Align stakeholders with the design roadmap

Finally, use the Cubyts roadmap regularly and make sure all stakeholders are aligned with the roadmap. This will help make sure everyone is in agreement about the design goals, execution and end result. It will also bring about more involvement from all stakeholders.


Get started with Cubyts today

If you want your design team to be able to scale up and grow to the next level of design maturity, a DesignOps platform is a must-have. We at Cubyts have a free 58-day trial that allows you to get a first-hand look and feel of the platform before you make a commitment with us.

So what are you waiting for? Sign up for your free Cubyts trial today, and give your design team the wings they deserve.