Unveiling the Human Side of DesignOps: Prioritizing Empathy, Collaboration, and Inclusivity

Photo by Vlad Hilitanu on Unsplash

DesignOps is frequently linked with the scaling of design teams and optimizing their efficiency. While these elements are undoubtedly important, it is essential to understand that DesignOps encompasses much more than just process and workflow optimization. It delves deeper into the very heart of human-centered design, going beyond just streamlining processes.

In addition, DesignOps has a significant impact on promoting diversity and inclusion within design teams. By fostering communication between various disciplines and encouraging diverse viewpoints, we create an environment where fresh ideas can flourish and innovative solutions can be created.

It's important to always keep in mind that people are the core of our work in design operations, and instead of solely improving processes, we should prioritize cultivating a collaborative ecosystem that fosters individual creativity and achieves exceptional results as a team.

'By embracing a people-centric approach to DesignOps, organizations can nurture a culture that values empathy, experimentation, and continuous learning. This means not only streamlining operations but also fostering a supportive environment for personal growth and professional development.'


Let's examine the significance of the human factor and explore ways to integrate it into the practice.

Not just tools, empower designers with confidence.

Empowering your team isn't just about giving them the tools to succeed but the confidence to achieve incredible success. It's essential to provide designers with the resources, tools, and support they need while also recognizing and addressing their needs and challenges to help them thrive. Leaders in design must appreciate the unique perspectives and strengths that each designer brings to the team. 


Work, play, and nap – balance is key.

Acknowledging the significance of work-life balance is an essential aspect of prioritizing the human element of DesignOps. Pressures of excessive workloads and unrealistic deadlines severely impact a creative job. Encouraging practices like time management, stress reduction, and mindfulness to ensure the well-being of designers is an essential part of DesignOps. Flexible work arrangements can also help team members to better manage their time and responsibilities outside of work. Managers must also lead by example by caring for their well-being and encouraging their team members to do the same. By prioritizing work-life balance, managers can foster a more positive and productive work environment for their team.


Collaboration isn't just important, it's the glue that holds it all together!

Encourage cross-functional collaboration and break down silos by fostering open team communication channels. Organize regular meetings or brainstorming sessions where designers can share ideas, gather feedback, and find inspiration from their peers. 

But true collaboration goes beyond simply working together on projects; it involves creating an environment where everyone feels safe to contribute their unique perspectives regardless of their background or experience level. Foster inclusivity within your team by encouraging diverse voices to be heard and valued.


Inclusivity: The key ingredient for a deliciously diverse DesignOps stew.

Diversity is a vital component of successful DesignOps, and inclusivity is the secret sauce that adds depth and richness to the mix. By promoting diversity in your design teams, you can bring in a range of perspectives and ideas. It's important to create a supportive environment where everyone feels valued and respected, regardless of their background or identity. 


Processes tailored to fit your team's style.

As a team, it's crucial to recognize that each member has unique working styles and preferences. Effective DesignOps requires a flexible and adaptable approach that caters to the needs and preferences of every team member while maintaining high levels of efficiency and quality. Consider offering remote work or adjusted schedules to show your team members that they're valued and supported. Fostering a collaborative environment also encourages the sharing of ideas and best practices, leading to greater productivity and success.


Boost Your Design Team's Productivity with Cubyts.

When it comes to managing design projects, Cubyts is a great option for tracking metrics related to Projects, People, Knowledge, or Time. By integrating project management (eg: JIRA) and designer tools (eg: Figma, Slack, Google/MS Drives), Cubyts can extract a wealth of information. This enables team members to manage & scale work a lot more efficiently. 

Design managers can use Cubyts:

Book a demo to see Cubyts in action.


To sum it up, the significance of the human factor in DesignOps cannot be overstated. Design leaders need to explore various ways to prioritize the well-being and growth of designers, such as empowering them with resources and tools, acknowledging the significance of work-life balance, and fostering inclusivity and collaboration within the team. Effective DesignOps requires a flexible and adaptable approach that caters to the needs and preferences of every team member while maintaining high levels of efficiency and quality.